Minority Party Members (Democrats and Independents)

State Member Phone Fax Number District Phone E-Mail


MI John Conyers, Jr. (D-14) 202-225-5126 202-225-0072 313-961-5670 john.conyers@mail.house.gov

MA Barney Frank (D-04) 202-225-5931 202-225-0182 508-999-6462 N/A

NY Charles E. Schumer (D-09) 202-225-6616 202-225-4183 718-627-9700 N/A

CA Howard L. Berman (D-26) 202-225-4695 202-225-5279 818-891-0543 Howard.Berman@mail.house.gov

VA Rick Boucher (D-09) 202-225-3861 202-225-0442 540-628-1145 ninthnet@mail.house.gov

NY Jerrold Nadler (D-08) 202-225-5635 202-225-6923 212-489-3530 jerrold.nadler@mail.house.gov

VA Robert C. Scott (D-03) 202-225-8351 202-225-8354 757-380-1000 N/A

NC Melvin L. Watt (D-12) 202-225-1510 202-225-1512 704-344-9950 nc12.public@mail.house.gov

CA Zoe Lofgren (D-16) 202-225-3072 202-225-3336 408-271-8700 zoegram@lofgren.house.gov

TX Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-18) 202-225-3816 202-225-3317 713-655-0050 tx18@lee.house.gov

CA Maxine Waters (D-35) 202-225-2201 202-225-7854 213-757-8900 N/A

MA Martin T. Meehan (D-05) 202-225-3411 202-226-0771 978-459-0101 mtmeehan@mail.house.gov

MA William D. Delahunt (D-10) 202-225-3111 202-225-5658 617-770-3700 william.delahunt@mail.house.gov

NJ Steven R. Rothman (D-09) 202-225-5061 202-225-5851 201-646-0808 steven.rothman@mail.house.gov

FL Robert Wexler (D-19) 202-225-3001 202-225-5974 561-988-6302 robert.wexler@mail.house.gov

31 Democrats voted to authorize the impeachment inquiry. Though they probably won't vote for an actual impeachment, you might ask them why: do we really need "to get the facts out".:

IO Leonard Boswell, CA Gary Condit + Ellen Tauscher, AL Robert "Bud" Cramer, MO Pat Danner + Ike Skelton, NC Bob Etheridge + Mike McIntyre, IL Lane Evans + William Lipinsky, VA Virgil Goode Jr.,James Moran, Norman Sisisky + Owen Pickett, TX Ralph Hall, Nick Lampson, Charles Stenholm + Jim Turner, NY Carolyn McCarthy, PA Paul McHale, CT James Maloney, MN David Minge + Colin Peterson, IND Tim Roemer, SC John Spratt Jr., MS Gene Taylor, RI Robert Weygand
E-mail: turncoat Dems(5)

This site has no relationship whatsover with Microsoft.-Mike Snow