--- indicates new record; SIGNED: are signers of the FIRE STARR petition
2nd LIST of Petitioners ...............
To Congress + House of Representatives: Impeaching our president, President Clinton, on these charges and against
the will of most Americans is outragous and should be stopped immediately!
INSTEAD. This is not an impeachable crime!
---I feel strongly that the lies President Clinton told and the acts he committed do not rise to the level of
impeachable offenses. I am an attorney and strongly support and respect our justice system. I am also
the mother of 4 elementary aged children who ask questions about what has been going on. I don't have any
trouble explaining to my children that President Clinton made some bad mistakes and that he should be
punished for those mistakes. I also don't have any trouble explaining to them that some punishments would be
too harsh and others not enough. The same rule applies to them; not every wrongdoing is punished the same
way. I also don't have any problem explaining to them the positive things that President Clinton has done for
this country and for the world. Please take note of my strong conviction that I don't want President
Clinton impeached. Carol S. Allenza
---Dear Congressperson, I am appalled that you possibly are caught up in the blood frenzy that is on the verge
of tying the country up in a stupid impeachment trial that trivilizes the constitution and makes partisan
mockery of the impeachment process. Please consider your vote carefully. There is simply no way that
history will view recent behavior by right-wing zealots in congress as anything other than the political vendetta
that it is. Sincerely,
Nicolas Shumway, Director, Institute of Latin American Studies, Tomas Rivera Professor of Spanish American
Literature, shumway@mail.utexas.edu Tele: 512-471-5551,Fax: 512-471-3090
Must you schedule a debate on impeachment while bombs are falling and our armed forces are in harm's way?
The Commander in Chief has other things on his mind.
Undermining the armed forces during war used to be called, "Giving Aid and Comfort to the Enemy." Don't
think for a moment that the world is not watching what you do, and in particular, the enemies of the United
Your focus on consensual sexual hanky panky at a time like this is sick, gentlemen, sick. Let's talk about sex,
lies and semen stains another time. There is no compelling reason to do it NOW.
Jim (JAG) James A. Geffert 5197 Hibbetts Drive Las Vegas, NV 89103 JGEFFERT@ISAT.COM
SIGNED: Barbara Vasco DiLullo, The individuals with no sin, cast the first stone. Stop wasting the taxpayers
money with this witch hunt. My vote is cast DO NOT IMPEACH OUR PRESIDENT> We need a president
for the people, Pres. Clinton is for the people. The real issue to be addressed are: Homelessness, child
abuse, social security, Medicare / Medicaid cuts, poverty(we are supposedly the richest country but yet poverty
abounds. This inquisition is draining our resources. Stop the insanity and help the majority of the people not
the few rich, ego centric, power hungry FEW. DO NOT IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT.
----Stop this madness! This is politics at its worst!
I find it extremely hard to believe that anybody voting for impeachment actually thinks they have the
country's best interest at heart - looks a lot like personal vindictive agendas from here. The religious right,
slobbering over all those juicy tapes . . . is a truely disgusting picture. A trip to their local adult bookstore
would have been a lot cheaper and a lot less divisive.
Clinton's error was in his private life and that is where it should have stayed. It was none of our business
and should never have affected any of us. He should never have been TRAPPED into dealing with them in
public and especially not in front of a Grand Jury. That is your shame. There is no basis for any of this.
Had it come up in a divorce trial - that would be a different matter. Miss Monica was not forced into anything.
Had she been a victim, pressured and manipulated into an unwanted relationship - that too would be another
matter. She was not!! And boy is that the understatment of the century!
Congress is giving the country an ugly black eye and its showing signs of turning into a really nasty
infection that threatens us all.
A lot of politicians are smelling blood right now as the feeding frenzy intensifies. What happened to our
healtthy democracy? You're all busy rephrasing questions for the next poll, so that impeachment won't seem
quite so out of line. We the public made it clear a long time ago that we were sick and tired of the whole thing
- disgusted with the process and disappointed with our elected officials.
There are a lot of us that haven't been very vocal or active over the years. That is about to change I think.
To those of you voting for impeachment, this is far beyond a threat. It is a solemn promise. Sincerely Jim
Hampson Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 09:56:03 -0500 ---lavender-lou@juno.com (Louise A Guerrant) !! I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT !!!
I went to bed past midnight last night because of studying for my last final of the semester!!!
I wake up & find you voting for impeachment . . . . . Whether or not we like the timing .. ... even if you -- or I
myself --think the timing is questionable . ... we have troops in Iraq whose lives' are in danger.
My nephew may be one of the women & men in Iraq . . . .& you're still going to hold this reprehesible vote !!!
---Nicholas A. Baer-Seltzer" 1000’s more, but we're dancing as fast as we can. This defending the Presidency, upholding the
Constitution, and mainyaining the Republic is hard work. MS
Joan Owens Calloway,4814 Ethel, Wichita, Kansas 67220
Mother of 4 grown children and retired teacher P.S. My husband, children and friends feel as I do.
SIGNED: Kristine Stiles, Associate Professor, Duke University,Art & Art History,
SIGNED: jacek pollner 3408 132 S.W. unit #3 Lynnwood,wa-98037,
SIGNED: Joseph Byrd White 2573 Westwood Drive, Montgomery, AL 36108,
SIGNED: Susana C. Barrientos,3400 Poly Vista #13E, Pomona CA 91768, susylia@netsol.net,
SIGNED: Jim Adams Lennebergplatz 3 Mainz 55124 Germany from TX dist 24,
Criminal handling while Military in Iraq! Stop-It!
-=-LiaOpria@aol.com- The House has ignored the pleas of the American people.
They've subverted and misused the Constitution.
They've damaged and degraded our institutions and our democracy. They've thrown away two centuries
of government stability and separation of powers. They've impeached the President.
We will remember.
---Historians will some day record this as a witch hunt. I compare it to the out-of-control McCarthy era.
You can turn it around. Please consider the consequences. Think hard and
heavy and let your decision help to reunite this country
---Subject: A Public Awakening
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 10:13:23 -0800 Email to Hyde, Lott, et al.
This is a sad day for our Nation and for American politics. It is an extremely frustrating day for the
People of America. I am tired of watching our country denigrated, I am tired of politics and, most of
all, I am tired of being ignored....I am tired of the demagoguery of Henry Hyde, Trent Lott and their cult
of partisans. Mr. Hyde, how dare you reference our Constitution and Forefathers in the context of this
debacle. Our Forefathers fought because we, as a People, had laws and actions thrust upon us without representation. This is EXACTLY
what is happening now. The overwhelming majority of the American public does not want to impeach
the President we elected. How can you sit there casting these votes, referencing our Constitution, our
children, our People and your duty when you know that 70% of the People do not favor your actions?
How is this different than the taxation imposed on us in 1776? ..The American public does not want to
impeach the President. Are we just dumb or blind? Are we just not as insightful, vigilant and rigorous as
you? Quite the opposite. We see this debacle for what it is. It is a manufactured, political vendetta. Do
we agree with what President Clinton did? Absolutely not. But we also understand how we got here.
This was a witch hunt, funded by tax dollars with nothing but political partisanship as the goal. The
public understands that Clinton should never have been on the stand in the first place; no more than
Livingston, Gingrich, Hyde or any of the other hypocrites living in their glass houses. There is no more
honesty and integrity taking place in the House today than there was in any of the events leading up to
this dark day. Stan Kramer
SIGNED: Julia Khorsand, 1429 grandview Ave Boulder colo. 80302,303 7957425,
SIGNED: Michele Stockham, 2001B Mesa drive Boulder, Colo. 80302,(303)245-8861,
SIGNED: Richard A. Klein, 310 Micasa Drive, Pendleton, South Carolina, 29670, richark@clemson.edu,
SIGNED: frank,dell plant mitchell putney ,georgia
SIGNED: John Stolworthy jstolwor@empire.net
SIGNED: Kathleen J. Wilverding, 2804 Madaline Drive, Avenel, NJ 07001, 732-636-2034,
----pattenschool@home.com, Needed to do something about the impeachment. Feel President Clinton is
getting a raw deal. Keep him in office
SIGNED: Lola W. Schoenfeld PO Box 492 Santa Margarita CA 93453,
805 4385432 wschoenf@bass.cuesta.cc.ca.us
----We strongly oppose the adoption of impeachment articles in the House. We urge the Congress to vote
against the articles of impeachment on this day the 19 of December, 1998. Signed, Cornelia and Roger
Eberhart, North Mankato, Minnesota
--- other nations across the world (Who might I add, do not understand why it is that are congress is
spending so much time and effort on such a ridiculous subject - Secretary of State Madeline
Albright) What fools we must look like to the international community when we cannot even stand
together in the face a dictator who possesses the ability to produce weapons of mass production if we do
not act swiftly. These representatives were placed into office for the sole purpose of representing the
people. While in most cases we put our faith in these men and women to use their best judgement in
passing laws and making decisions , it is apparent that these paid officials (taxpayer money) are not
listening to what their employers are telling them to do. It is time for the representitives of the house and
congress to begin to realize that they have a duty to accurately represent the feelings of the people in their
district. Finally, I believe strongly that the president should not be impeached for the crimes which he
may have committed (perjury). -A.J. Danboise Son Inc."
SIGNED: Tina L. SErgent, 8622 Ousley Drive, Gilroy, CA 95020 (408) 842-8856
SIGNED: Aaron Pelcher, 4355 S. Durango Dr. #204, Las Vegas NV 89147
(702) 247-6783, ABPelch@aol.com
SIGNED: Ivory Richardson SR,San Jose, Ca, 408-388-9186, ijrich@pacbell.net, This is a travesty of
justice, stop this madness and do what's right for the country. As citizens of a free and democratic society,
we elect representatives who are supposed to listen to the voices who put them in power. I've voted
republican a big percentage of the time. I'll do everything possible to make sure none of these so called
Republicans and fence sitting Democrats get elected to office again. It's amazing how many Republican
family men are coming forward and admitting they've sin...they're not coming forward on their own
accord, only when they find out that a newspaper or TV show is going to break the news, simply amazing,
hypocrites appear to be in an endless supply in Congress.
SIGNED: Brian & Barbara Satterfield, 341 E Lacey Ave, Hayden, ID 83835, (208) 762 0799,
=---Jim (JAG)James A. Geffert5197 Hibbetts DriveLas Vegas, NV 89103 702-868-1633 DO
Karen and Richard Val Mohney,Seattle,
SIGNED: Debra Bennett,Rt 1 Box 629, Tn Ridge, Tn. 37178,
SIGNED: Mary Ellen Stadtmueller,
SIGNED: Bill Rex, 204 Prairie Drive, Akron, Ohio 44312, . STOP THIS
If the Republicans succeed in impeaching the President,
they will live to regret it. I willexercise my right to vote you out of office. Kema C. M.
SIGNED: Lee Sipple / SAY NO TO IMPEACHMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!It's just a
shame we have Republican idiots that could care less about the business of the
country."Republican leadership"--isn' t that contradictory? Keep up the good work, and
we'll prevail in the end, andthe country will head in the right direction again.
Mason Paintsville, Kentucky
"James Runyan"
>SIGNED: Ann Lederman,
Brooklyn NY aclederman@aol.com
>SIGNED: noralee sherwood 2413 n.e. 45th st,
vancouver, wa 98663 (360)695-5440,att.noralee@juno.com
>SIGNED: Herb Potzus,
5754 N. Winthrop, Chicago, Il, 60660, hpotzus@pobox.com
From: Sandy Uusitalo
SIGNED: Thomas F. Kinsora 6013 Golden Saddle Las
Vegas, NV 89130 (702) 396-0699,e-mail,windancers@worldnet.att.net
Richmond L. Porter 808 499 3494 4998 b e.ehiku ewa beach Hi >rlp71 @aol.com
SIGNED: Debbie Kinsora, 6013 Golden Saddle, Las Vegas, NV 89130
SIGNED:christine boyle,1989 cavendale dr, rockhill,sc29732(803)817-6389, cboyle@cetlink.com
SIGNED: Jon and Marianne Swan, 2317 Clayton-Southfield Rd, Southfield, MA
Arretez l'impeachment de M. Le President des Etats Unis d'Amerique >alain
gamache acryteck@minfo.net
>SIGNED: Paul Morse, 18679 NE 56th Ct,
Redmond, Wa 98052, pjsna@msn.com
The impeachment proceedings are a
travesty. I do not care about this level of detail of apresidents sexual life and his
conductin this specific matter has nothing to do with the office to which he was elected.
SIGNED: Terry Beartusk, 16 Country Estates Drive, sheridan, WY 82801
tchild@wavecom.net... STOP this Madness!
>SIGNED: Michael E Miller, 976 Pinon Dr, Martinez, CA 94553,
SIGNED: Peter Pleger, 17129 Kelok Road, Lake Oswego,
Oregon 97034, email,jplege19@idt.net
SIGNED: Kendall W. Bryant, 1540 Trenton
#55, Orange, Ca 92867, 714-288-0053
>SIGNED: Donella Bryant, 1540 Trenton
#55, Orange, Ca 92867, 714-288-0053
SIGNED: Patty L. Bryant, 10162 Verde
Lomas, Villa Park, Ca 92861, 714-637-6870
>SIGNED: JeDonn Bryan, 10162
Verde Lomas, Villa Park, Ca 92861,714-637-6870
Helen and John Griffith, 1301
Bay Drive North, Bradenton Beach, FL 34217
From: dkn1@webtv.net (D. K.
SIGNED: Renee Sutton, 27545 Buffalo
Grass Point, Calhan, CO 80808, (719) 683-7366,ReneeL@Rocketmail.com
SIGNED: Mat Rotman, Milton, Ma, 617-3330020,sarmatac@msn.com
SIGNED: donnellda L. Rice,Burke, VA
Rosita S. Alvarez,rsje@chevron.com, CITC - Corporate Systems Support, CP - H3016
SIGNED: Snesser, New York
SIGNED: Mary Alice Lyons, 337 S. Bonsall Rd., Coatesville, PA 19320, 610-857-5950,mally@chesco.com
SIGNED: Charles
Grumbling,205 Race St,Philadelphia,PA,19106,215-627-1340,cag3@aol.com
------dashes indicate start of new record; SIGNED are signers of FIRE STARR petition, others are letters to
Congress and Stop the Madness (us)
SIGNED: CHARLENE M PULLEY, P O BOX 17027, TAMPA, FL 33682 - 813-631-0437
SIGNED: Ramiro Gallegos, 1041 Caldwell Rd., Garland, TX 75041, srm626@gateway.net
SIGNED: Tony Licon,11860 Chandler Blvd CA 91607, 818-760-0870, redbeetle@hotmail.com
SIGNED: Martha E. and Jose L. Machuca, 125 E. Marguerita, Garland, TX 75040,SRMachuca@hotmail.com,
SIGNED: Mary Monaghan 4 Henry St So Deerfield Ma 01373 413 665 7532 monaghan@valinet.com
SIGNED: Paul Rodriguez,2167 Lonsdale St,{805} 484-1545, paul@anacapa.net
I demand Congress cease the ABSURD inpeachment Inquiry.
SIGNED: ronald scott adams, 8 vista way, fairfax, california 94930 415-453-9659
SIGNED: ARTHUR D GOLDSTEIN,& MURIEL GOLDSTEIN 5 Tideway, Great Neck, N.Y., (516) 487 2657,
e-mail address:ARTHURDGOLDSTEIN@worldnet.att.net.
Karen and Richard Karrich, http://www.tp.net/tp/users/karrich/
---The impeachment hearings, in my opinion, are an attempt by the Republican majority to displace the will of
the people. It is an embarrassment to me that Congress is continuing this spectacle. President Clinton made
some morally inappropriate decisions for which he has apologized to the nation. He must live with the
humiliation, public ridicule and lack of trust that his actions have caused. Censure is enough. Pushing to
impeach the president seems to be a superifical and temporary pursuit of political power, in the end it will
serve no one. The Republicans who claim a vote to impeach is one of conscience must surely refer to the
conscience of vengence. If this impeachment passes, I will work to defeat all things Republican in the future.
Let the national agenda return to issues that are important and relevant.
Val Mohney, Seattle, WA, valmohney@aol.com
SIGNED: William Monroe 2722-7 Dawson Rd Albany Ga 31707 912-4390114 wmonroe@gonetrix.com
---STOP this madness & get real. What are you people doing to our great country trying to take over (a coup) &
ruin our government. Enough is enough . . . . wake up before its too late. I don't condone lying & it needs to be
punished but this is ridiculous! Never have I seen such craziness & a witchhunt as you republicans. Shame,
shame, shame! I would never again vote for one of you. I hope you all get yours someday.
SIGNED: Joan M. Dean, PO Box 282, Gambrills, MD 21054, 301-621-9183
SIGNED: Kirk Hicks, P.O. BOX 101, NEWLLANO, LA 71461, 318-238-3075, keeper@dtx.net
SIGNED: Lori J. Gee, 121 Brook Lane, Wrightsville, PA 17368, (717)252-4667, geewiz@gte.net, surfing.
SIGNED: Filibuster the republicans out of office Kevin Saxon 4708 Falstone Ave Ch Ch Md 20815
5560 301652 8244
SIGNED: William Monroe 2722-7 Dawson Rd Albany Ga 31707 912-4390114 wmonroe@gonetrix.
---mooncalf@mooncalf.netThe GOP are already percieved as panderers to the Religious Christian Right; this sudden intrest
in the morality of this issue is seen as farther evidence of back-scratching between a major political party and
a group that often crosses the line of seperation of Church and State.
Lucas Quinn
SIGNED: Barbara Vasco DiLullo, 128 Cynwyd Road, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004, dilullo@op.net
--I am contacting you to express my total disgust with this impeachment of President Clinton.
This movement is full of hypocrisy, viciousness, and total disregard of the will of the citizens of the country.
We are not so naive that we cannot tell political opportunism from true moral outrage.
In the interests of the country, and the future of the two party system, STOP THIS NOW!
Christopher R. Pedrick
1 Periwinkle Lane
Ipswich, MA 01938 crp1@erols.com
--Don't give in to the hypocritical, sourgraped Republican party! You may believe that this isn't the
Republicans out to get our President but it is. Vote how the American people want you to vote. Vote NO to
impeachment!!!!!!!!! Stop this witchhunt and farce right now before it's too late! If this vote goes thru for
impeachment all of Washington will hear the American People's anger thru major protests and voting assholes
who don't listen to us and waste our money out of office. The American People are tired, embarrassed with
Congress, and we're angry. Please listen to us and vote NO for impeachment!
SIGNED: Bonnie Kilgore, PO Box 332 Trenton, GA 30752. BonnieQQQ@aol.com
---The continued effort of the Republicans to impeach the President must be stopped. If this is the revolution
Newt predicted, we face a serious threat to alter the basic structure of the American government. The only
driving motive seems to be the personal dislike if not hatred for Clinton. Such personal feelings is not a valid
reason to continue with this insanity. vr/Ed Lukanuski, ejluk@ix.netcom.com
SIGNED: John Zic, 239 Nevada Avenue, Pt. Richmond, CA 94801, (510)233-1137,
SIGNED: Mary Cutler, 26o Lake Road,Brick, New Jersey 08724, Lake260@aol.com,
SIGNED: Ben Dorcy, 239 Nevada Avenue, Point Richmond, CA 94801, (510) 233-1137,
---klanning@cvtv.net (Karen E. Lanning) SIGNED: Karen Lanning POBox 201, Round Top, TX 78954, 409 249
5227, klanning@cvtv.net. The Real Abuse of Power lies in The Republican Congress + The committee.
Censure is the right path for the COUNTRY.
SIGNED: Melanie Martin and Sue Brennen, (206)725-1468, 5418 S. Brandon St. Seattle, WA 98118,
SIGNED: Elisa Stabe, 3709 Burnett Lane, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006, 215-947-2558,
SIGNED: Amy Ard,1224 Zimmer Dr Atlanta Ga, 404-872-1239,ARD_A@hotmail.com,
SIGNED: Dustin L. Tano, 4822 Del Monte Ave. San Diego CA 92107
SIGNED: Zachary Djimas, 49 oakwood ave, rye ny, 10580, zdjimas@etsd.ml.com
SIGNED: jonathan brown, 163 w 4th st., nyc 10014 dogen@mindspring.com
SIGNED: Joseph MacMillan,284 Alsace Ave. Venice FL 34293,(941)497-7964,
---Felton Macartney
SIGNED: Kay Adkins, P.O. Box 2001, Crestline, CA 92325, kadkins@ph.co.san-bernardino.ca.us
SIGNED: Marilyn Brine Gilmour, 200 Winter Street, Holliston, MA 01746/ (508)429-9662.
---Kathleen Johnson,stars22@together.net, Ever since Nixon was forced to resign, Republicans, a group of people
I was taught to believe had the best interests of the country at heart, are proving to be just the opposite. Even in
listening to debate today, the word `I' and MY' were heard with boring regularity. Everyone wants to assure the
people of their personal virtue. Well, in the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, `let he who is without sin cast the
first stone
SIGNED: roy grundstrom 7024 stanley rd va. 540-775-2235 /royg3@usa.net
--Subject: censure not impeach diane perkins NV_CRACKER@yahoo.com
Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 17:05:35 -0800
SIGNED: What the HELL are you people (Repubs) doing? Do you realize you are DESTROYING this
SIGNED: Ann M. Whalley, 323 Monte Vista Ave #309, Oakland, CA94611,
510-655-4849, amew46@aol.com
SIGNED: Lisa Parizo,2350 Shelter Creek Lane, San Bruno, CA 94066,Lparizo@yahoo.com,
--K Hill"
---Please accept my deeply felt wish to avoid removing the best president we have had since they killed
President Kennedy. I knew when President Clinton was elected, that they would either kill him or find another
way to keep him from speaking for the masses. I write this knowing full well that it's like spitting in the wind.
The representatives that are owned by the tobacco lobby, the gun lobby, the anti universal healthcare lobby,
can not be reached by this plea. Their souls have long since deteriorated. This plea is to those that still have
an independant mind. Maybe there's no such person in the congress. If that is true, it speaks of the tragic
ignorance of the electorate. Pat Klotz
SIGNED: Lonnie Cross 155 Indian Bend Drive LaGrange, GA 30240
--- The pres. may have lied to the country." So what. . . the person that has to deal with the facts of all that
happened between he and Lewinsky is the first Lady and NOT THE COUNTRY. I don't believe that it's any
of our business. After all who of you out there are perfect enough to say "I've NEVER lied, or I've NEVER
don ANYTHING WRONG." Not one of us. . . You stand for the people and what the people want, not what
you as republicans would want for YOURSELVES. Imploringly I ask you to do the right thing, not for your
satisfaction, but for the sake of this country and our future. Now is NOT the time for impeachment.
You will have forsaken a nation if he is impeached. . .
Sincerely, S. R. M.:SIGNED: Sandra R. Gallegos, 1041 Caldwell Rd., Garland, TX 75041, srm626@gateway.net
SIGNED: Martha E. and Jose L. Machuca, 125 E. Marguerita, Garland, TX 75040, SRMachuca@hotmail.com
SIGNED: Tony Licon,11860 Chandler Blvd CA 91607, 818-760-0870, redbeetle@hotmail.com
SIGNED: CHARLENE M PULLEY, P O BOX 17027, TAMPA, FL 33682 - 813-631-0437 MUSIC310@PRO
SIGNED: Sarah Egolf, Earlham College, Drawer# 961, 801 National Road West Richmond, In 47374-4095
SIGNED: Tricia R. Plank,2080 Poinciana Road,Winter Park, FL 32792
---It is high time Congress did what the American people hired them to do and that is to represent
them...do not impeach the president...if it is done, then it is time to get rid of