Feb 15 Pawtucket RI - SIGN FIRE STARR PETITION!!!!

Jan 21 Washington DC- 9pm- see Latest News- Send angry faxes (or calls)to Chaffee, Jeffords, Collins, Snowe, McCain, Warner DEMANDING that they ADJOURN this travesty. Ask them Is there ONE Senator of courage who will stand up and say they'll VOTE to AQUITT????? If we go to witnesses, the gloves will come off and the serious trashfest will begin.
We will be rallying at the US Capital -rt side mall steps 2pm MON Jan 25, having distributed our petitions to Republican Senators Sat. Volunteers who want to participate contact us. Get Gallery tickets from your senator. (which have no time limit)

Jan 5, Thanks to all the petition signers and correspondents who've vented their outrage and thoughts on the Republican Coup-- Several things you CAN do. Check out Web Site.

FAX or call the listed Senators and give them a piece of your mind. (1010502-1 + # = 5 cents/min) Do it late night if you want and leave a thought out message on their machine. Tape it and play it back to the others. This can be ENDED IN NEXT FEW DAYS if Senate adopts Lieberman/Gorton Plan. Help them make up their mind.. what there is of it. PRINT OUT + read entire site at your leisure: it's meant to be a resource for the politically sane.

Have giant (8x11")"SHAME- You have Violated the US Constitution" sign that will fill one printed page. Fax it to Republicans on House Judiciary Com., who are the PROSECUTORS in the trial in the Senate (why they were so hot to do this). There is a sequential blast fax list on site for Impeachment Voting House weasels + 29 Best Bet Senators that can be pasted into any computer/fax system without modification (hopefully). Also a GROUP E-MAIL for those Senators + the House Judiciary Com Repubs. Any Senators or Congressman's info + contacts can also be obtained from "Contact All Congress" button and "state" and "bio" on site, along with any Committee membership + contacts.

Wear Red armbands to protest the Witchhunt and drape and tie red ribbons all over public places, then contact media and tell them what you've done. Red for STOP (sign) IMPEACHMENT. Want graphic for that soon.

Have IMPEACH CONGRESS bumper sticker, which can be printed (8x11, or 8x14 -landscape format) and stuck on car bumper or placed in car + home windows.

Contact large web systems + web news outlets, local newspapers, radio stations (best), + TV stations and inform them about organization, which has been up since Sept. and correctly forecast every event and direct them to Web page- https://members.tripod.com/~msnoh (remember that damn squiggle)the BEST Anti-Impeachment website. or there is a mirror site at www.freeyellow.com/members5/msnow. Need Web wizards and tabulatory assistance.

It's depressing that these imbeciles actually trashed the Constitution in their vendetta, but now time is short: pressure on Clinton to resign will grow to a crescendo, which would be an appalling precedent. We can fight that and show continuing support for poor Clinton, who looks like he aged 15 years in the last month. Some Christmas present. More smear allegations from a quarter century ago are being released over next few days to try to forstall the preliminary vote that would Stop the Madness. Tell them to take that vote!! Think Paula Jones getting $.8-1.8 million after she loses might be a powerful incentive for some woman to lie?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and take heart that the Republicans have shown the extent of their destructive and fascist tendencies and lost the hearts and minds of the American people. We've got to slow them before the next barrage of napalm hits.

Sincerely, Mike Snow